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Become a Sponsor

Schaghticoke FairEach year the Schaghticoke Fair sees nearly 100,000 guests in six days!

Access to our audience enables you to put your business name and image in fronts of tens of thousands of potential customers!

Each sponsorship package has varying degrees of advertising, media exposure and "perks". Every package comes with the potential to increase your sales ans traffic, create brand awareness and loyalty, provide merchandising opportunities and recruit new customers and employees.

Through the fair's extensive marketing campaign and 198 year tradition, your business will be able maximize the results of a relatively small advertising investment.

What's more... You are helping to support a community tradition...

The Schaghticoke Fair IS Rensselaer County's Fair, but more importantly, it is a community resource. It is the opportunity to embrace and learn about agriculture and new technology. It is where generations have made fond memories and will continue to do so with your partnership!

Sponsorship & Giving


2025 Sponsorship Packages

Contact the Fair Manager to discuss a custom sponsorship.

Carly Reyna Ostrander
Email: manager@schaghticokefair.org
Phone: 518-753-4411

Small Gifts

Small Gifts can have a Large Impact. No gift is too small!

The Schaghticoke Fair is gracious of donations of any value. Your donation helps keep the fair an annual tradition.